Many people are aware of the cleaning power of steam cleaners. By using super-heated water, these units can melt away different kinds of dirt and debris. These cleaning machines are especially useful in commercial settings, where machines and equipment need to be cleaned as well as sanitized. Steam cleaning units with anti-bacterial technologies can even eliminate more than 99 percent of harmful germs and bacteria while cleaning. It may seem that these powerful machines can also do tough industrial tasks like heavy degreasing but the truth is that steam cleaners are simply not suited to those tasks.
Daimer®, a top-quality distributor of cleaning products, knows it is important for clients understand why steam cleaners are not good for heavy degreasing jobs. For one thing, steam cleaning units do not have the capacity for sustained cleaning that industrial cleaning jobs call for. Sustainable high pressure levels are essential in degreasing, a feature not available with steam cleaning machines. These machines are great for spot cleaning and comparatively smaller cleaning jobs, but they simply do not have the required pressure levels to effectively remove grease from something like a large conveyer belt.
Another thing to consider with steam cleaning machines is the water flow factor. Heavy degreasing jobs require ample water flow so the debris can be cleanly washed away from the surface. Steam cleaners often have low water content. For instance, vapor steam cleaning units only have 5 percent water content. Heavy degreasing jobs are best handled by pressure washing systems that use the combined power of hot water or steam with high pressure levels. You can learn more about the best pressure washing machines for degreasing tasks by visiting www.daimer.com.
Daimer®, a top-quality distributor of cleaning products, knows it is important for clients understand why steam cleaners are not good for heavy degreasing jobs. For one thing, steam cleaning units do not have the capacity for sustained cleaning that industrial cleaning jobs call for. Sustainable high pressure levels are essential in degreasing, a feature not available with steam cleaning machines. These machines are great for spot cleaning and comparatively smaller cleaning jobs, but they simply do not have the required pressure levels to effectively remove grease from something like a large conveyer belt.
Another thing to consider with steam cleaning machines is the water flow factor. Heavy degreasing jobs require ample water flow so the debris can be cleanly washed away from the surface. Steam cleaners often have low water content. For instance, vapor steam cleaning units only have 5 percent water content. Heavy degreasing jobs are best handled by pressure washing systems that use the combined power of hot water or steam with high pressure levels. You can learn more about the best pressure washing machines for degreasing tasks by visiting www.daimer.com.